The fact is that most of us continue to work in “feedback poor,” not “feedback rich” environments. Timely and accurate feedback remains a scarce commodity in most organizations, despite the fact that we know that enhanced self-awareness that is the byproduct of quality feedback drives better business results.
So What’s a Leader to Do?
The answer is we won’t know until we get some feedback, and 360-degree feedback debriefed with a skilled facilitator can be a very effective tool for finding out. We strongly encourage people to get 360-degree feedback “early and often,” before those blind spots morph into fatal flaws.
Some useful tips to remember:
So back to those leaders with the over-inflated sense of their leadership skills (do the math - half of the folks can’t be in the top percentile!) My fear for them is that their blind spots will one day come back to bite them and they’ll never even know what hit them. The honest truth is that organizations are less tolerant of leadership weakness the higher an individual progresses. Suddenly, the super star’s “signature strengths” are no longer enough to compensate for the now more visible leadership deficiencies, and another career derails unfortunately. What a shame nobody held up a mirror for the person when there was still time.
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Like the frog in the rut, executives often find themselves in situations they aren't prepared for. And they seem to learn best when they need to achieve something that matters to them.
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